Main Forums The Chat Area Charities

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  nicola 8 years ago.

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  • #1158

    Ann Marie Marvin

    I love the charities Tony and Sarah support – such wonderful causes. What is everyone’s favorite charity here?

    I have 2 I really love: one is Holt International. It’s the agency we did both of our adoptions through, but they also work in the countries they facilitate adoptions from to help mothers and families keep their children without having to relinquish them to the system. As with most adoptive parents, though we LOVE our kids, we do lament that there is a need for adoption at all.

    I also have one I used to be able to volunteer with before I had my business: Voices for Children. They work with foster kids in the US who are getting lost in the system. Volunteers are advocates for the kids. I still keep in touch with my case child even though she aged out of the system long ago.

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  • #1169

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    I donate to quite a lot of animal charities rain rescue its in Sheffield mare and foal sanctuary blue cross many more


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    Awww the sweet hedgehogs, Emerys! :)

    I go local and donate to AIDS Services of Austin and volunteer at the Austin Humane Society.


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    I sponsor only animals charities,( and I’m not emotionally strong enough to take an active part in them other than giving some money)

    2 since several years:

    cani-seniors(for old dogs) and le sanctuaire des hérissons(for the hedgehogs)


    and 2 from time to time:

    les amis de Lazare(for the ravens, magpies, crows…) and L214(a proactive association for animal welfare)

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