Main Forums Video Posting Area Taking my running journey to the next level

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kevin Dalton 4 months ago.

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  • #138053


    I’ve been contemplating taking my running journey to the next level and attempting a marathon. For those experienced marathoners out there, what training tips do you swear by? How do you stay motivated during those long runs, and any advice for a newbie like me? I appreciate any insights you can share!

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  • #138055

    Kevin Dalton
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    Greetings!  Totally agree with Jastin here. Consistency is paramount, but also, don’t underestimate the importance of rest days in your training schedule. Your body needs time to recover and adapt. Incorporating speed workouts can enhance your overall performance, and fueling properly is non-negotiable. Experiment with nutrition during long runs to find what works best for you. And lastly, embrace the community – joining local running groups or virtual communities can provide invaluable support and motivation. Best of luck on your marathon journey! You’ve got this!


    Jastin Bird
    • Offline

    Marathon training is an exciting but challenging journey. One tip I highly recommend is gradually increasing your mileage to avoid injury Consistency is key, and cross-training can be a game-changer. As for motivation, mix up your routes, listen to inspiring playlists or podcasts, and set small goals for each run. Celebrate milestones, whether it’s a distance record or improved pace. It keeps the journey exciting! Remember, it’s as much a mental game as physical. Stay positive and enjoy the process!

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